
ponedjeljak, 25. kolovoza 2014.

Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren review - Prekrasan gad recenzija

Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren review - Prekrasan gad recenzija


Someone said it's a cute silly office romance. What?
I say it's a beautiful love story described in a book.

Now, Alice Clayton and Wallbanger got a competition to be the best read in my life!!!Twilight Fanfiction or not. I couldn't put this book down.
love hate
*Love-hate relationship, sexy, humorous, bossy & sassy banter,forth and back talk, slamming office doors and fuc*ing with no pause button, except to rip the panties!:)♥*

I know this sounds nothing special...but read further, this couple has chemistry :) And read the book!
Their chemistry is....word AMAZING is not enough!
My God!
*If this couple was real, I would be JEALOUS as fu*k on their love!*

*Near the 60% of the book I was crazy how these 2 did not know how to articulate their feelings through words!*
But thank god, Bennett came to his senses and started to talk to her.

**This is NOT some cheesy, predictable office love story. I've read quite number of those. It was L.O.V.E & P.A.S.S.I.O.N & D.E.S.I.R.E & ALL of it, one perfect person, two perfectly matched, at first disfunctional, crazy couple, all described in every perfect word and book-actions.

**Even though, there is actually no typical dating here, we get to know this relationship to the bone in the sequel Beautiful bitch!**

If you appreciate a sassy love story, naughty girls who like to stand up for themselves, and office romance, you must read this. You'll regret it if you don't. It caused my heart and stomach tie in knots.

Prekrasan gad - recenzija na hrvatskom

Netko je rekao da je ovo slatka, mala, uredska romansa. Štooo? Uvrijeđena sam.
Ja kažem da je prekrasna ljubavna priča, sa prekrasnim gadom!Haha!

Alice Clayton i Wallbanger imaju konkurenciju u mojih top 5 knjiga u životu! Glasine kruže da su i jedna i druga knjige (Prekrasan gad i Wallbanger) inspirirane Twilightom, i iako mi se to ne sviđa, kad zamislim onog Edwarda...bljak, svejedno, nisam mogla ispustiti ovu knjigu iz ruku!
love hate

* Volim te- mrzim te odnos, sexy, duhovite i drske šefovske dosjetke, malo naprijed - malo natrag, igra mačke i miša, lupanje vratima ureda i sex bez tipke za pauzu, osim da strga gaćice! ♥*

Znam da ovo možda ne zvuči ništa posebno, pogotovo ako se čitali puno sexy romana... ali ovaj par ima kemiju!
Njihova kemija je....riječ PREDIVNA nije dosta!

*Da je ovaj par stvaran, bila bih ljubomorna na njihovu ljubav!*

*Bennett mi najozbiljnije naživcirao, jer otprilike do 60% knjige, ovo dvoje nije još uvijek normalno komuniciralo i objasnilo svoje osjećaje!*

** Ovo nije baš neka "Nora Roberts ili Danielle Steel" slatkasta, predvidljiva priča. To je ljubav, strast, želja i sve ono što želiš naći u jednoj osobi, početak veze isprva disfunkcionalan i lud, ali savršen!**

**Ovdje nema tipičnog hodanja i spojeva između Bennetta i Chloe, no u nastavku Beautiful bitch, to bude nadoknađeno!**

Ako volite drske šefove, žene koje se znaju suprostaviti, napete situacije u uredu i puno sexy pipkanja, morate ovo pročitati! Druga polovica knjige će vas i rasplakati! Definitivna preporuka!♥

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